What is Ecotono S. Coop. And.?
We are a non-profit cooperative constituted in 2002 formed by an interdisciplinary team that works with a great network of collaborating entities. Our activity is mainly related to Education, Participation and Communication for Sustainability and is focused on research, design, planning, evaluation and implementation of projects, both for public and private entities as well as for social organizations.
We aim, on one hand, to provide tools for decoding complex reality that allow us to integrate sustainability criteria into our decision making, either in a private or social sphere (the way we feed ourselves, we get dressed or we take part in the world around us).
On the other hand we are also committed to facilitating processes in which people can actively participate in decisions making (assuming sustainability and gender criteria) and also collective knowledge generation processes.
As an organization of social economy we believe that it is around the people whom the economy must rotate. That is why we are associated to Coop 57 Andalucia, an ethical and solidarity financial services cooperative that is contributing very positively to the social transformation of our economy and society.
Learning and continuous entrepreneurship are part of the Ecotono S.Coop.And trajectory. Something that we live day by day in Tramallol, a space for “collective learning and entrepreneurship” where we share space and project with other professional people from different fields of culture, design, architecture, urbanism, traditional crafts and professions, etc.